Congratulations to Joseph Tilghman et al. on the new lab publication “Molecular Genetic Anatomy and Risk Profile of Hirchsprung’s Disease” in The New England Journal of Medicine!
/in News/by Hanna Berk-RauchNew Publication: Human cardiac cis-regulatory elements, their cognate transcription factors, and regulatory DNA sequence variants. Genome Research.
/in News/by Hanna Berk-RauchNew lab publication: Testing the Ret and Sema3d genetic interaction in mouse enteric nervous system development. Human Molecular Genetics. [Epub ahead of print]
/in News/by aravinda-adminNew lab publication: Testing the Ret and Sema3d genetic interaction in mouse enteric nervous system development. Human Molecular Genetics. [Epub ahead of print]
Ms. Nan Hu joined the Chakravarti Lab as a Research Assistant. Welcome, Nan!
/in News/by aravinda-adminMs. Nan Hu joined the Chakravarti Lab as a Research Assistant. Welcome, Nan!
New lab publication: Rare coding variants associated with blood pressure variation in 15 914 individuals of African ancestry. Journal of Hypertension.
/in News/by aravinda-adminNew lab publication: Rare coding variants associated with blood pressure variation in 15 914 individuals of African ancestry. Journal of Hypertension.
Dr. Maheswara Duvvari joined the Chakravarti lab as a Postdoctoral Fellow. Welcome Mahesh!
/in News/by aravinda-adminDr. Maheswara Duvvari joined the Chakravarti lab as a Postdoctoral Fellow. Welcome, Mahesh!
Dr. Jia Yan joined the Chakravarti lab as a Genetic Counselor and Senior Research Program Coordinator. Welcome, Jia!
/in News/by aravinda-adminWelcome, Jia!
New lab publication: Enhancer variants synergistically drive dysfunction of a gene regulatory network in Hirschsprung disease. Cell.
/in News/by aravinda-adminEnhancer variants synergistically drive dysfunction of a gene regulatory network in Hirschsprung disease. Cell.